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Sometimes You Just Need A Good Quote To Get You Through — 19 Great Tweets To Help You Get Over Your Breakup


Breakups suck, and healing can take time. Keep these words in mind as you step into this next chapter of your life:

• There’s so much grief involved with growth. We often associate grief with death when it’s really any hard emotional loss. Once you commit to entering a new season, prepare to mourn the past versions of yourself.

• It's a hard pillow to swallow: not everyone you want in your life wants you in theirs, so don’t bend over backwards trying to force them to stay when they couldn’t care less if you’re around or not.

• I hope you don’t look at what is taking time to come to fruition as a sign that your garden isn’t worth watering anymore. I hope you come to the realization that some seeds do better in different seasons and your intentions are actually growing on divine timing.

• Don’t let being strong most of the time fool you into believing that you have to carry that weight all of the time.

• Not everyone is for you, and those who are may only be for a season. That doesn’t have to be a falling out. Sometimes it’s growth. Other times it’s vibrational selection. You align until you don’t anymore.

• A lot of the time, you’re the one violating your own boundaries by continuing to put yourself in certain spaces and around certain people.

• Many people have the thought that healing looks like not having the urge to have that thought, reaction, emotion, or behavior they don’t like. In reality, healing is practicing showing up the way you want to be over and over until it starts feeling more natural.

• And even if you’re down on Sunday, may you notice all the love and life around you. May the light and electricity you see in others somehow charge you up. We ebb and flow in this life. Up and down we go. You’re surely going up again. See it in others. Believe it for yourself.

• Forgive yourself for the coping mechanisms you have developed throughout the years to deal with your trauma.

• You really have to put yourself on a certain pedestal. Like yes, you're better than that, you're bigger than that, you can't associate yourself with that, you can't even entertain that.

• (No 11th tweet provided, feel free to add your own!)

Remember, healing is a journey, and it's okay to take it one step at a time. You're stronger than you know, and brighter days are ahead.

I realized healing isn't linear; it will never stop at a certain age or time. Every day is a step toward resolving wounds and emotions. There isn't a step-by-step path for you to take from "unhealed" to "healed." Your healing will be ongoing throughout your life.

• May you never become so familiar with pain that you reject anything good that tries to find you...

• Get more comfortable telling people: "You can't mentally or emotionally afford me." When it applies, be honest with yourself and others. Because, babe, you are stepping into a whole new era.